27 December 2016


Be kind. Be patient. Be alert. And, after you've assessed the situation, ask for exactly what you want. 
You'd be surprised the things you can receive by being kind and simply asking. 
G. ðŸ’•

16 December 2016

Labor and Delivery

It takes 10 months to birth a human baby.
Look at your life and examine your storm. Having a bad day? Having a bad week? Having a bad month? If it takes 10 months of discomfort to birth a human baby, how long do you think you'll need to be uncomfortable to birth your empire? 
You see, we are living in an instantaneous society. We want to wake up a millionaire. We want to wake up with a degree. We want to wake up with a tv show. But, if we don't go through the discomfort, what will we have? 
Let's look at this differently ... how is a diamond made? Under pressure? 
Understand your victory is already defined. There's healing in your brokenness. There's a diamond coming from this pressure. There's a human life being birthed from this discomfort. 
At the end of this darkness, a new day is rising. It will be the beginning of something new and amazing. 
Love, you, all ways, always.
It may be rough now, but joy comes in the morning.
Don't you dare give up now.
Don't you dare abort this baby. 
G. ðŸ’•

07 December 2016

Take Care of Yourself

Take Care of Yourself. 
Take yourself on dates. Journal about how much you love yourself and your life. Go to the gym. Eat right. Get manicures. Get pedicures. Go to the chiropractor. Brush and floss, only the teeth you want to keep, of course. Go to the dentist. Go outside for 30 minutes a day. Do yoga. Get a passport. Use said passport. Get an older friend and a younger friend. Mentor someone. Get a mentor. Say no, a lot. Do not feel obligated to give a reason for said no. Love unconditionally. Love with boundaries. Be kind to everyone. Even when giving constructive criticism, do so with love. Help someone. Hug someone daily. Pray often. Never be the smartest person in the room. If you are, find another room. Stop allowing others poor planning to become your emergencies. Charity begins at home, remember that and practice that. Make a budget. Stick to the budget. Review the budget every three months. Save money. Save your change. Take care of yourself! 
Stay healthy. Stay flexible. Stay joyful. Stay you. 
Love, you, all ways, always.
G. ðŸ’•
Oh yes, almost forgot ... DRINK WATER. I don't care if you don't like it. You need it. Do it! Enhance it if you must. But, do it.