Though he stole my heart, my dad was the first man to teach me how to use my heart. And for that, I am eternally grateful. Having a father in my home allowed me to see how a woman should be treated. From saying things like, "I don't beat you because I don't want you to equate beatings to love," allowed me to carefully consider what I could and could not deal with from men. Receiving my first ring from my dad allowed me to look at men as people and not banks to buy me things I didn't already have. Having an educated father let me know that men too could obtain the education I obtained. In a little over 30 days I will continue this life hand in hand with my husband, but never will I forget the first man that loved me. Thanks dad for being awesome. You da man jack! *high five*
08 August 2013
Sometimes, condolences just aren't enough...
Growing up, my parents always taught my brother and I that all we had were one another. They helped us to understand that death was eminent and they would precede us in death. We understand the order of the life cycle – 1st grandparents, 2nd parents, 3rd siblings/self. We got it. Whether we wanted to accept death or not was up to us, but we understood it. As the years progressed people began to precede us in death – 1st grandparents, then friends…. Friends were not in the equation. Friends were a new thing. Fast forward to 2007 … I had buried more people than my parents combined. Mind you, my parents are 30 years my senior. Something is off. Due to my experiences in life, I have grown to know the grieving process well. I have buried all 4 of my grandparents, I have buried two teachers, I have buried countless classmates, associates, siblings of friends and a godbrother. Yet and still, every process is different. My mind understands but my heart doesn’t. My ears hear but my soul doesn’t accept it. And now, this. I am not sorry for this loss, for it was not my doing. However, I am empathetic, sympathetic, remorseful, saddened, heartbroken, stuck, numb, unsure of what is actually occurring. This is a nightmare. You know, when you go to sleep and experience something and are trying to cry for help but it never comes out and FINALLY you wake up after all of the bad was done? This is what that is. Yesterday I found out. I talked about it. I settled in it. But, I could not settle through it or around it. Another soul is gone. Another body will be laid to rest. Another family is in mourning. Another baby is left fatherless. Another single mother is raising a baby boy. This isn’t a why. This isn’t a cry for help. This is a realization of the occurrences that happen in life. Nobody told me this road would be easy. But, if I know nothing else, I know that God did not come this far to leave them all by themselves. This village has been created and developed to catch them when they fall, provide some comic relief when they need a life, prepare a dish when they are hungry. This village has been developed to walk down this road with them until we can no longer walk. This village has been developed to make sure their support is there 20 years from now when DJ can look to heaven and say “Dad I made it” as a college graduate defying the odds in a single parent household in the Detroit metro area. This village will still be there. It is not going to fade tomorrow after a few days have passed and everyone has said their “I’m sorry’s”. This village is not going to fade next week after the funeral and the burial. This village is not going to fade after his first birthday after his death. This village is not going to fade after the first anniversary of his death. This village will not fade because God is in it. God does not make mistakes and Brian served his purpose here on this earth. We do not know the time nor the hour that we will be called home nor are we to question Gods doings on this natural earth. So I thank God in advance for the strength he has given me to help Lauren in every capacity I can help with as she lays her brother to rest. I thank God for the words he has given me to speak life into her every chance I can get. And, I thank God for allowing me to love her unconditionally and be the friend that she needs as she needs me. In Jesus’ name, I thank God in advance for everything he has placed inside of me to continue to walk down this road. Amen.
03 August 2013
Separation Anxiety
Today, my puppy was put to sleep. It's amazing the attachment different animals can have to one another. She may not have been perfect, as none of us are. But, she was perfect to me.
21 April 2013
Challenge Accepted
Hey guys!
I'm going to start weekly changes that I will post every Sunday. Had a hiccup in exercising but I'm back now!
This weeks challenge: (complete all daily)
- 1 gallon of water
- 1 Nike training club workout
- 2 servings of fruit
- 2 servings of vegetable
- no fried food
- no sweets
- no pop
- no juice (not even in smoothies)
Dont forget to take pictures every Sunday! I will also be tracking my weight and measurements on Tuesdays (because that's my weigh in day). Also, if you haven't already, download the LoseIt! app. It's amazing.
See you all next week! Good luck!
I'm going to start weekly changes that I will post every Sunday. Had a hiccup in exercising but I'm back now!
This weeks challenge: (complete all daily)
- 1 gallon of water
- 1 Nike training club workout
- 2 servings of fruit
- 2 servings of vegetable
- no fried food
- no sweets
- no pop
- no juice (not even in smoothies)
Dont forget to take pictures every Sunday! I will also be tracking my weight and measurements on Tuesdays (because that's my weigh in day). Also, if you haven't already, download the LoseIt! app. It's amazing.
See you all next week! Good luck!
16 March 2013
Eat Less
Thanks to the interwebs my new found inspiration comes from Big Sister K. Possibly a year ago, we were "introduced" on twitter and then started following each other Instagram. She slowly but surely became one of my inspirations, motivations, and aspirations. She's been dedicated to her journey for 13 months and has been very successful. I have traveled on my journey for 26 years with little success.
I finally asked her how much she lost and how long it took. She told me in 13 months she lost 105 pounds. I then asked how. She told me "eat less".
It's amazing how simple that seems yet how challenging it actually is. Today I started yet another mission incorporating what I learned on Shred, continuing my weight management classes, taking it a step further with weight watchers and now using the LoseIt app to track my progress.
Per usual, I will keep you updated with my progress and what works for me and what doesn't. Today is the first day of eating less. Lets see how this goes!
Thanks to the interwebs my new found inspiration comes from Big Sister K. Possibly a year ago, we were "introduced" on twitter and then started following each other Instagram. She slowly but surely became one of my inspirations, motivations, and aspirations. She's been dedicated to her journey for 13 months and has been very successful. I have traveled on my journey for 26 years with little success.
I finally asked her how much she lost and how long it took. She told me in 13 months she lost 105 pounds. I then asked how. She told me "eat less".
It's amazing how simple that seems yet how challenging it actually is. Today I started yet another mission incorporating what I learned on Shred, continuing my weight management classes, taking it a step further with weight watchers and now using the LoseIt app to track my progress.
Per usual, I will keep you updated with my progress and what works for me and what doesn't. Today is the first day of eating less. Lets see how this goes!
12 March 2013
Last Tuesday I added another lifestyle change component: weight watchers. After seeing that I was losing minimal weight I'm glad I began weight watchers. With shred, I learned how to eat. With weight watchers I'm learning what to eat.
And today, I finally saw some progress. In my workout close, I felt like I looked smaller. Today, this is what progress looks like.
And today, I finally saw some progress. In my workout close, I felt like I looked smaller. Today, this is what progress looks like.
07 March 2013
Reality Check
So this week I started the Shred Diet again. But, I also started weight watchers. Pairing the two might be the best decision yet. I wasn't understanding why I wasn't losing weight on the shred. I lost 5 pounds and didn't gain it back along with 2 sizes, but I was struggling to lose 20.
In starting weight watchers, I realized my food is high in calories (points). I'm eating entirely too much in each single day. I'm so glad I'm having this revelation now so I can nip it in the bud and start losing.
This journey has been very challenging and very emotional. I don't want to give up and am not ready to give up.
I will change my measuring day to Tuesday so it can match my weigh in day.
I will be successful at this!
In starting weight watchers, I realized my food is high in calories (points). I'm eating entirely too much in each single day. I'm so glad I'm having this revelation now so I can nip it in the bud and start losing.
This journey has been very challenging and very emotional. I don't want to give up and am not ready to give up.
I will change my measuring day to Tuesday so it can match my weigh in day.
I will be successful at this!
03 March 2013
It's been a challenge... time for March
My instagram followers are always letting me know just how motivated and dedicated I am. Quiet as its kept, I am not as motivated and dedicated as I would like to be. It is truly a struggle to eat right and exercise, but I have made a conscience decision to do so. It's time for me to measure again and to track my weight, I will do both of those things on the 8th of March.
I have began attending weight management classes which give me insight on how I should be doing thing. It offers tricks on how to maintain weight, continue to lose weight, what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. I get discouraged often but I have not given up yet.
At work, weight watchers has come back, so I am going to attend those meetings as well. These are all ways for me to remain accountable. I can't backslide. I have a goal to meet so that the rest of my life can be filled with the best days of my life.
I am still working to get this bikini body by summer time and boy oh boy, it is ROUGH! But, again, I havent given up. April is the month that I am scheduled to run my first 5k so I have to kick my running into overdrive. May is the month that I am scheduled to run my first 10k so again, I have to kick my running into overdrive. And, I have to stay on track so that I can run a half marathon this October. Regardless of how often I run, I get really nervous when I think about running an actual race.
My workouts still include yoga, bootcamp and gym time at work. This week I am vowing (to myself and my readers) to attend bootcamp every morning and yoga every night. In the middle (or at the end) I will go to the gym at work and work on perfecting my 5k in 30 minutes or less. It takes 28 days to make a habit and I would be more than happy to make that my habit EVERY week. I have no excuse to go to bootcamp every morning. I have no excuse to go to yoga every night. I have no excuse to run in the gym once a day. But, I need to up the anti and get it together.
My clothes are still fitting better and I still see changes in my body, I am just ready to kick it into overdrive.
For this month, I have agreed to consider some challenges ... first to 10,000 ab challenge (even if I don't win, I would like to complete this challenge), a burpee challenge (that I havent even started yet) and if I find any other challenges I will be sure to post some things.
Check back in on Friday when I let the blogsphere know if my inches have decreased and my weight has lightened.
(See below for some ab exercises that I love.)
Check the website below for photos on how to properly complete the exercises
(Do 12 to 15 reps of each move in the order shown)
Between each exercise, do a cardio burst--2 minutes of jumping rope, marching or jogging in place, stair climbing or stepping, or doing jumping jacks.
Remember to warm up and cool down by marching or stepping side to side in place for 3 to 5 minutes at the beginning and end of your workout.
Cardio Burst: These 2-minute high-energy bouts will double your calorie burn to speed up fat loss and reveal a slimmer belly in less time.
1. Reverse Crunch
Lie faceup with calves resting on ball, arms at sides. Press legs into ball, squeezing it between calves and thighs. Contract abs and lift hips 3 to 6 inches off floor and pull knees toward chest. Hold for 1 second, then lower.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Contract abs and just lift ball off floor, keeping hips down.
Make it harder Keeping neck in line with spine, lift head and shoulders off floor as you raise hips. Hold, then lower both upper body and hips.
2. Rock and Roll
Start on knees, with legs about hip-width apart. Place fists on ball in front of you. Keeping body in line from head to knees and abs tight, lean forward and roll onto forearms. Hold for 1 second, then roll back to start.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Bend hips instead of keeping body in a straight line as you roll onto forearms, or keep body in line and roll only partway onto forearms.
Make it harder Once you're balancing on forearms, straighten legs and press balls of feet into floor to form a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat.
3. Ball Curl
Sit on ball, walk feet forward, and roll torso down until bottom of butt is just off ball and middle and lower back are on ball, feet together. Place hands behind head. Lean back, pressing upper back into ball, then exhale, contract abs, and curl forward until upper back lifts off ball.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Place feet wider than hip-width apart for more stability, and cross arms over chest.
Make it harder Straighten one leg so it's parallel to floor and you're balancing on one foot. Do half the repetitions, then switch legs to finish.
4. Skier
Lie over ball on all fours. Walk hands forward so ball rolls under thighs, legs together, abs tight, and body in line from head to toes. Bend knees and pull them and ball (it will roll to shins) toward right shoulder. Hold for 1 second, then roll back out and repeat to left side.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Hold start position—body in line from head to toes, abs contracted--for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat one more time.
Make it harder Start with ball under shins and let it roll to tops of feet as you draw knees in.
5. Pike
Start in the same position as the Skier, legs together, ball under thighs, balancing on hands, and body in line from head to toes. Keeping legs straight, contract abs and lift hips up toward ceiling, rolling ball to shins. Hold for 1 second, then lower. (Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Lift hips just a few inches and roll ball to about knees.
Make it harder Start with ball under shins and roll to tops of feet and lift hips so torso is as vertical as possible, like you're doing a handstand.
I have began attending weight management classes which give me insight on how I should be doing thing. It offers tricks on how to maintain weight, continue to lose weight, what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. I get discouraged often but I have not given up yet.
At work, weight watchers has come back, so I am going to attend those meetings as well. These are all ways for me to remain accountable. I can't backslide. I have a goal to meet so that the rest of my life can be filled with the best days of my life.
I am still working to get this bikini body by summer time and boy oh boy, it is ROUGH! But, again, I havent given up. April is the month that I am scheduled to run my first 5k so I have to kick my running into overdrive. May is the month that I am scheduled to run my first 10k so again, I have to kick my running into overdrive. And, I have to stay on track so that I can run a half marathon this October. Regardless of how often I run, I get really nervous when I think about running an actual race.
My workouts still include yoga, bootcamp and gym time at work. This week I am vowing (to myself and my readers) to attend bootcamp every morning and yoga every night. In the middle (or at the end) I will go to the gym at work and work on perfecting my 5k in 30 minutes or less. It takes 28 days to make a habit and I would be more than happy to make that my habit EVERY week. I have no excuse to go to bootcamp every morning. I have no excuse to go to yoga every night. I have no excuse to run in the gym once a day. But, I need to up the anti and get it together.
My clothes are still fitting better and I still see changes in my body, I am just ready to kick it into overdrive.
For this month, I have agreed to consider some challenges ... first to 10,000 ab challenge (even if I don't win, I would like to complete this challenge), a burpee challenge (that I havent even started yet) and if I find any other challenges I will be sure to post some things.
Check back in on Friday when I let the blogsphere know if my inches have decreased and my weight has lightened.
(See below for some ab exercises that I love.)
Check the website below for photos on how to properly complete the exercises
(Do 12 to 15 reps of each move in the order shown)
Between each exercise, do a cardio burst--2 minutes of jumping rope, marching or jogging in place, stair climbing or stepping, or doing jumping jacks.
Remember to warm up and cool down by marching or stepping side to side in place for 3 to 5 minutes at the beginning and end of your workout.
Cardio Burst: These 2-minute high-energy bouts will double your calorie burn to speed up fat loss and reveal a slimmer belly in less time.
1. Reverse Crunch
Lie faceup with calves resting on ball, arms at sides. Press legs into ball, squeezing it between calves and thighs. Contract abs and lift hips 3 to 6 inches off floor and pull knees toward chest. Hold for 1 second, then lower.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Contract abs and just lift ball off floor, keeping hips down.
Make it harder Keeping neck in line with spine, lift head and shoulders off floor as you raise hips. Hold, then lower both upper body and hips.
2. Rock and Roll
Start on knees, with legs about hip-width apart. Place fists on ball in front of you. Keeping body in line from head to knees and abs tight, lean forward and roll onto forearms. Hold for 1 second, then roll back to start.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Bend hips instead of keeping body in a straight line as you roll onto forearms, or keep body in line and roll only partway onto forearms.
Make it harder Once you're balancing on forearms, straighten legs and press balls of feet into floor to form a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat.
3. Ball Curl
Sit on ball, walk feet forward, and roll torso down until bottom of butt is just off ball and middle and lower back are on ball, feet together. Place hands behind head. Lean back, pressing upper back into ball, then exhale, contract abs, and curl forward until upper back lifts off ball.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Place feet wider than hip-width apart for more stability, and cross arms over chest.
Make it harder Straighten one leg so it's parallel to floor and you're balancing on one foot. Do half the repetitions, then switch legs to finish.
4. Skier
Lie over ball on all fours. Walk hands forward so ball rolls under thighs, legs together, abs tight, and body in line from head to toes. Bend knees and pull them and ball (it will roll to shins) toward right shoulder. Hold for 1 second, then roll back out and repeat to left side.
(Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Hold start position—body in line from head to toes, abs contracted--for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat one more time.
Make it harder Start with ball under shins and let it roll to tops of feet as you draw knees in.
5. Pike
Start in the same position as the Skier, legs together, ball under thighs, balancing on hands, and body in line from head to toes. Keeping legs straight, contract abs and lift hips up toward ceiling, rolling ball to shins. Hold for 1 second, then lower. (Cardio burst: 2 minutes)
Make it easier Lift hips just a few inches and roll ball to about knees.
Make it harder Start with ball under shins and roll to tops of feet and lift hips so torso is as vertical as possible, like you're doing a handstand.
19 February 2013
The Struggle is Real
It has been 6 weeks since 2013 began and boy has it been a struggle. Sometimes you just want to eat whatever you want and sometimes you want to follow your new lifestyle. I get frustrated from time to time because the scale doesn't change. But then I realize I am 2 pant sizes smaller than I was on January 1, 2013 and I get excited.
Your journey is your own. You can't compare your progress to others. Even if you are on the same plan you have different body types and different discipline. Continue to take it moment by moment without guilt.
What have I been up to?
I have been attending Bootcamp, doing random workout challenges, going to yoga and trying to walk 10,000 steps a day. I don't always meet the goals I set for myself but I refuse to give up.
I have been making smoothies and focusing on green and clean. Again, I don't always succeed but I try every day to be better than I was the day before.
My ultimate goal weight has been determined and I am actively working to get there by December 31, 2013 at the absolute latest. I also plan to keep up this lifestyle and actively plan to remain that size for the rest of my life.
Are you struggling to? Lets support each other!
Your journey is your own. You can't compare your progress to others. Even if you are on the same plan you have different body types and different discipline. Continue to take it moment by moment without guilt.
What have I been up to?
I have been attending Bootcamp, doing random workout challenges, going to yoga and trying to walk 10,000 steps a day. I don't always meet the goals I set for myself but I refuse to give up.
I have been making smoothies and focusing on green and clean. Again, I don't always succeed but I try every day to be better than I was the day before.
My ultimate goal weight has been determined and I am actively working to get there by December 31, 2013 at the absolute latest. I also plan to keep up this lifestyle and actively plan to remain that size for the rest of my life.
Are you struggling to? Lets support each other!
01 February 2013
Mission: lifestyle change, February Edition
Good Afternoon,
It is time for the January Recap and February Challenge(s)...
First, with the recap -
As you can see in my last post, I had a pretty great January. I am 7 pounds down (I weigh on the 3rd, so possibly more than that). I have been following the Shred Diet and am getting ready to end week 4. I have been working out (30 Day Cardio Challenge, Boot Camp, Yoga, Running) and am feeling amazing.
Well, now, its time for the February challenges. Since February is the shortest month of the year, I am challenging myself to complete all of these challenges this month instead of choosing one challenge to complete. The challenges are listed below and the pictures of the schedules are at the bottom of this blog post.
1. Plank Challenge
2. New Year New Abs Challenge
3. The Drop 10 Workout
4. The 100 workout
5. Go Nike Running Challenge (Coach Purvis' 5K Training) [not pictured, website:]
In addition to the four challenges above, I will stay active with bootcamp and yoga during the week at my leisure. I will continue the Shred Diet and Restart the Shred at the end of this 6 week cycle.
At the end of the month, I will report my weight loss AND my inches lost. I did not take my measurements at the beginning of January but I did take my measurements for February. Though I still will not post my actually pounds or actual inches, I will let you all know how many inches were lost and how many pounds were lost ONLY in the month of February.
If there is anything you would like me to post about, please feel free to comment at any time on any post. I hope my posts continue to be an inspiration to you and yours.
Get active! Get fit! Change your lifestyle! And, most importantly, live in the moment, without guilt!
It is time for the January Recap and February Challenge(s)...
First, with the recap -
As you can see in my last post, I had a pretty great January. I am 7 pounds down (I weigh on the 3rd, so possibly more than that). I have been following the Shred Diet and am getting ready to end week 4. I have been working out (30 Day Cardio Challenge, Boot Camp, Yoga, Running) and am feeling amazing.
Well, now, its time for the February challenges. Since February is the shortest month of the year, I am challenging myself to complete all of these challenges this month instead of choosing one challenge to complete. The challenges are listed below and the pictures of the schedules are at the bottom of this blog post.
1. Plank Challenge
2. New Year New Abs Challenge
3. The Drop 10 Workout
4. The 100 workout
5. Go Nike Running Challenge (Coach Purvis' 5K Training) [not pictured, website:]
In addition to the four challenges above, I will stay active with bootcamp and yoga during the week at my leisure. I will continue the Shred Diet and Restart the Shred at the end of this 6 week cycle.
At the end of the month, I will report my weight loss AND my inches lost. I did not take my measurements at the beginning of January but I did take my measurements for February. Though I still will not post my actually pounds or actual inches, I will let you all know how many inches were lost and how many pounds were lost ONLY in the month of February.
If there is anything you would like me to post about, please feel free to comment at any time on any post. I hope my posts continue to be an inspiration to you and yours.
Get active! Get fit! Change your lifestyle! And, most importantly, live in the moment, without guilt!
31 January 2013
Mission Accomplished #31dresses
In December I looked at myself and wasn't pleased. I looked like I wasn't trying. I looked like I was losing myself. At 26, that's not ok. So, I looked in my closet and saw all of the skirts and dresses I owned and thought that would be a good way to challenge myself.
Some people said I should wait until its Wagner outside. Others said I didn't have enough dresses. And some just thought I wouldn't do it. But, I didn't do it got fortune else. I did this challenge for me.
With the weightloss goals I have, I need to love my body. And, to love by body, I need to see it. With wearing dresses, I am forced to look at body parts that I've been hiding behind clothes. And boy was this an eye opening experience.
In the 31 days that I didn't wear pants I saw my legs, my arms, my sides and my stomach - every day. I began to want to transform these body parts. I wanted to work harder at eating right and working out. Now, 31 days later, I'm liking what I see. Today I am wearing the same dress I wore on December 29th and I look like Ive lost two whole people.
Challenge accepted. Mission accomplished.
February's Challenge: Accessories
The hashtag I will use is #28jewels. I am promising myself to wear two different pieces of jewelry daily - earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. I am challenging myself to continue to put care into my daily ensemble and dress for myself, every day.
Some people said I should wait until its Wagner outside. Others said I didn't have enough dresses. And some just thought I wouldn't do it. But, I didn't do it got fortune else. I did this challenge for me.
With the weightloss goals I have, I need to love my body. And, to love by body, I need to see it. With wearing dresses, I am forced to look at body parts that I've been hiding behind clothes. And boy was this an eye opening experience.
In the 31 days that I didn't wear pants I saw my legs, my arms, my sides and my stomach - every day. I began to want to transform these body parts. I wanted to work harder at eating right and working out. Now, 31 days later, I'm liking what I see. Today I am wearing the same dress I wore on December 29th and I look like Ive lost two whole people.
Challenge accepted. Mission accomplished.
February's Challenge: Accessories
The hashtag I will use is #28jewels. I am promising myself to wear two different pieces of jewelry daily - earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. I am challenging myself to continue to put care into my daily ensemble and dress for myself, every day.
21 January 2013
(wo)Man in the Mirror
Today I looked in the mirror and realized my body looked different. Is that progress I see? Hey progress, you look good!
Green sweater: December 29, 2012
Gray sweatshirt: January 21, 2013
A little motivation leads to a lot of determination. A lot of determination leads to a little satisfaction. That satisfaction keeps you heading towards perfection.
Never give up, every little bit counts. And every little bit keeps you from that motivation picture and closer to that perfection picture.
How are your challenges coming? Ill be checking in on January 31, 2013 with weightloss, confessions, success stories and February challenges.
Green sweater: December 29, 2012
Gray sweatshirt: January 21, 2013
A little motivation leads to a lot of determination. A lot of determination leads to a little satisfaction. That satisfaction keeps you heading towards perfection.
Never give up, every little bit counts. And every little bit keeps you from that motivation picture and closer to that perfection picture.
How are your challenges coming? Ill be checking in on January 31, 2013 with weightloss, confessions, success stories and February challenges.
17 January 2013
Honesty Hour
It's been a week since my last post and its been a whirlwind of challenges.
I am now in week 3 of Shred. I lost 4.3 pounds in week one and gained 2 pounds in week 2. I'm a little frustrated but not knocking the program. I'm waiting to see how week 3 is going to treat me. It is by far the hardest week yet.
Workouts have been more challenging with working late but my goal is to complete at least 3 days a week. I have been running mostly because I can do that outside again.
I am seeing some changes and that makes me happy.
31 Dresses has been going well. I'm running out of options but in mixing and matching, pushing the envelope and trying new things. I have seen some changes in my body since Jan 1. All in all, everything is coming along. I'm just trying to stay motivated!
How has your January been?
I am now in week 3 of Shred. I lost 4.3 pounds in week one and gained 2 pounds in week 2. I'm a little frustrated but not knocking the program. I'm waiting to see how week 3 is going to treat me. It is by far the hardest week yet.
Workouts have been more challenging with working late but my goal is to complete at least 3 days a week. I have been running mostly because I can do that outside again.
I am seeing some changes and that makes me happy.
31 Dresses has been going well. I'm running out of options but in mixing and matching, pushing the envelope and trying new things. I have seen some changes in my body since Jan 1. All in all, everything is coming along. I'm just trying to stay motivated!
How has your January been?
07 January 2013
Monday Funday
- 31 Dresses -
Blue dress, magenta sweater, gray tights, black boots
Hello Day 7 ;)
- Shred Nation -
Today was good until I missed my second meal then all of my times were off. I drank a lot more water and ate well. But, I missed some meals at the end, all bad. This was, I'm sure, because I planned poorly. Tomorrow will be better.
- Gym Time -
Today began my 30 day challenge with Mr Shut Up and Train so my workout was as follows:
1. Week 2 Day 2 10k training (31 minutes)
2. Walk down push-ups (1 minute)
3. Burpees (1 minute)
4. Leg kicks (2 minutes)
5. Straight leg tricep dips (1 minute)
6. Plank jumps (1 minute)
7. 60 crunches
8. 32 squats
To total 59minutes and 533 calories burned.
Blue dress, magenta sweater, gray tights, black boots
Hello Day 7 ;)
- Shred Nation -
Today was good until I missed my second meal then all of my times were off. I drank a lot more water and ate well. But, I missed some meals at the end, all bad. This was, I'm sure, because I planned poorly. Tomorrow will be better.
- Gym Time -
Today began my 30 day challenge with Mr Shut Up and Train so my workout was as follows:
1. Week 2 Day 2 10k training (31 minutes)
2. Walk down push-ups (1 minute)
3. Burpees (1 minute)
4. Leg kicks (2 minutes)
5. Straight leg tricep dips (1 minute)
6. Plank jumps (1 minute)
7. 60 crunches
8. 32 squats
To total 59minutes and 533 calories burned.
05 January 2013
Good Days and Bad Days sometimes ...
"There are good days and bad days sometimes. But, don't let the bad days change your mind." - PJ Morton
This lyric applies to my Shred experience today. The day started off well until I realized I would be in meetings all day at work. I was able to eat my first meal and first snack without a problem. But then, for lunch I only made it through the sandwich and for the rest of the day I couldn't seem to complete an entire meal.
After snacking at 3:30 I had another snack at 5:00 but didn't eat again until 8:00. I had pizza from Cosi. Then 3 handfuls of popcorn at the movies.
Today I probably only consumed 1200 calories IF that. But I felt like I didn't shred right. Tomorrow will be better.
Off to do my physical challenges though its a rest day for shred.
How'd your day go?
This lyric applies to my Shred experience today. The day started off well until I realized I would be in meetings all day at work. I was able to eat my first meal and first snack without a problem. But then, for lunch I only made it through the sandwich and for the rest of the day I couldn't seem to complete an entire meal.
After snacking at 3:30 I had another snack at 5:00 but didn't eat again until 8:00. I had pizza from Cosi. Then 3 handfuls of popcorn at the movies.
Today I probably only consumed 1200 calories IF that. But I felt like I didn't shred right. Tomorrow will be better.
Off to do my physical challenges though its a rest day for shred.
How'd your day go?
04 January 2013
31 Dresses, Days 3 and 4
Day 3: All black everything with a blue wrap sweater
Day 4: took a risk with a print dress, gray tights, brown boots, tan sweater
Day 4: took a risk with a print dress, gray tights, brown boots, tan sweater
03 January 2013
Lazy Thursday
This Shredding program is AWESOME! I feel amazing and I have not been hungry (until today when I pushed the envelope to exactly 4 hours between meals) at all. Yesterday I didn't share what I ate but today I will. Today there were two 100 calorie snacks, one 150 calorie snack, and four meals. My day went something like this ...
8:30 Meal 1 - 2 boiled egg whites, one piece of wheat bread (I made a sandwich) and an apple
10:00 Snack - 24.5 Special K chips
11:30 Meal 2 - Turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread
1:00 Snack - 2 blueberry fig newton thins
3:30 Meal 3 - chicken noodle soup, banana
5:00 Snack - cheese and crackers, 1 blueberry fig newton thin
9:00 Meal 4 - fuji apple chicken salad with salmon
Today I felt like I ate a lot of starch but then I realized my portion sizes were so small I didn't overindulge. Though this is only day 2, today I noticed all of the food commercials on both tv and radio. But, I also realized, I only have one body and I need to take care of it.
You may be wondering why the title of this blog is "Lazy Thursday" ... well, I didn't get up for bootcamp this morning, nor did I go to yoga this evening. I did, however, complete the Ambitious Bodies Squat Challenge (completed 25 squats) and the Fitness Ladies January Challenge (25 (additional) squats, 20 crunches, 25 jumping jacks, 15 second wall sit and 40 calf raises).
According to the Shredder Diet I should have completed 45 minute of cardio and I will admit I did not do that. However, I did do a workout challenge.
How was your Thursday? Was it lazy? What'd you do?
Memory Loss
So, last night I told myself I would do 25 squats as a part of my workout but can't recall actually doing them.
To rectify this I chose to do 25 squats for yesterday this morning - not to be confused with today's squat challenge that will be completed this evening.
Squats in a dress in a bathroom stall. Hilarious.
Good luck today!
To rectify this I chose to do 25 squats for yesterday this morning - not to be confused with today's squat challenge that will be completed this evening.
Squats in a dress in a bathroom stall. Hilarious.
Good luck today!
02 January 2013
Shred It Baby!
Week 1, Day 1: PRIME
This morning, I weighed in and was ready to SHRED!
Challenge number 1: FOOD
Four meals, 3 snacks and 1 exercise session later... I feel great! The best thing about this lifestyle change is you eat all day! The guidelines suggest lots of eating all day long; however, you are able to eat less than is required. The majority of my meals were smaller portions because I was finished eating before the end of the suggested portion size. Hopefully this works in my favor.
I did, however, add rice to my dinner (which was an unaccounted for starch), but my portion was consumed according to the nutrition facts.
Challenge number 2: EXERCISE
Part A: Fitness Ladies January Challenge 2013
Between my fourth meal and my last snack I completed day 2: 25 jumping jacks, 10 (bicycle) crunches, 10 (excrutiatingly horrible) burpees, 15 second (not too hard this time) plank, 15 chair dips (that had my arms on fire), and instead of a walk or run (I just couldn't bare the 20 degree weather with ice today) I danced around in the kitchen (10 minutes) while cooking dinner as well as walked the stairs for 9 minutes.
Part B: Ambitious Bodies Squat Challenge
For day 2 of my second challenge, I completed 25 squats from the Ambitious Bodies Squat Challenge.
Today was a good day for me. How'd you do?
31 Dresses - Day 2
Houndstooth. Magenta. Boots.
Today's look is a skirt tank and cardigan combo. Super comfy and easy for the office.
Today's look is a skirt tank and cardigan combo. Super comfy and easy for the office.
Commercial Breaks
Today I broke up the challenges into commercial breaks during a movie I was watching this evening. Each commercial I chose a portion of the challenge to do. The breakdown was as follows:
First commercial: 50 jumping jacks
Second commercial: 151 crunches
Third commercial: 25 squats, 10 push ups
Fourth commercial: 30 seconds
For me, this was a good way to complete the challenges on a day I was not interested in working out at all. I was even able to increase all suggested numbers except for squats and push ups. Check in tomorrow to find out what challenges I complete, what food I eat and what additional exercise(s) I choose to do.
Each day is a new step in the right direction. If you fall, don't beat yourself up. This is not about guilt trips, this is about creating a healthy lifestyle that works for you. Each journey is different. Embrace yours!
Good luck!
First commercial: 50 jumping jacks
Second commercial: 151 crunches
Third commercial: 25 squats, 10 push ups
Fourth commercial: 30 seconds
For me, this was a good way to complete the challenges on a day I was not interested in working out at all. I was even able to increase all suggested numbers except for squats and push ups. Check in tomorrow to find out what challenges I complete, what food I eat and what additional exercise(s) I choose to do.
Each day is a new step in the right direction. If you fall, don't beat yourself up. This is not about guilt trips, this is about creating a healthy lifestyle that works for you. Each journey is different. Embrace yours!
Good luck!
01 January 2013
New Challenges
Good Morning and Happy New Year
For those looking for a "routine" to help them jump start their new year resolution, there are three things I suggest.
1. Dr Ian Smith's Shred Diet
2. Mr. Shut Up and Trains email workouts
3. See images below
Get out there. Get fit. Stay committed.
For those looking for a "routine" to help them jump start their new year resolution, there are three things I suggest.
1. Dr Ian Smith's Shred Diet
2. Mr. Shut Up and Trains email workouts
3. See images below
Get out there. Get fit. Stay committed.
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