01 February 2013

Mission: lifestyle change, February Edition

Good Afternoon,

It is time for the January Recap and February Challenge(s)...

First, with the recap -
As you can see in my last post, I had a pretty great January. I am 7 pounds down (I weigh on the 3rd, so possibly more than that). I have been following the Shred Diet and am getting ready to end week 4. I have been working out (30 Day Cardio Challenge, Boot Camp, Yoga, Running) and am feeling amazing.

Well, now, its time for the February challenges. Since February is the shortest month of the year, I am challenging myself to complete all of these challenges this month instead of choosing one challenge to complete. The challenges are listed below and the pictures of the schedules are at the bottom of this blog post.

1. Plank Challenge
2. New Year New Abs Challenge
3. The Drop 10 Workout
4. The 100 workout
5. Go Nike Running Challenge (Coach Purvis' 5K Training) [not pictured, website: http://gonike.me/trainingplan]

In addition to the four challenges above, I will stay active with bootcamp and yoga during the week at my leisure. I will continue the Shred Diet and Restart the Shred at the end of this 6 week cycle.

At the end of the month, I will report my weight loss AND my inches lost. I did not take my measurements at the beginning of January but I did take my measurements for February. Though I still will not post my actually pounds or actual inches, I will let you all know how many inches were lost and how many pounds were lost ONLY in the month of February.

If there is anything you would like me to post about, please feel free to comment at any time on any post. I hope my posts continue to be an inspiration to you and yours.

Get active! Get fit! Change your lifestyle! And, most importantly, live in the moment, without guilt!

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