There is no such thing as passive love. Love is a decision. You really don't fall in love, you make a conscious decision to walk into it with every ounce of your being, and, at that moment, it is everything you have ever wanted.
Contrary to popular belief, love is not solely romantic or familial. Love is spiritual. Love is emotional. Love is platonic. Love is unconditional.
In a time where social media serves as our life updates, I believe that love gets lost somewhere between down wifi, a new number, a lost connection and just forgetting that you actually haven't seen that person or heard that persons voice in years - though, you think you know every monumental life event. Thanks, tweetainstasnapapolobook.
Don't get me wrong, social media is amazing. It has reunited me with friends from camp, elementary school, high school, college. It has served as a life bulletin: baby announcements, wedding announcements, graduation announcements, job announcements, death announcements, dating announcements, party announcements, club announcements, business announcements, new project announcements, move announcements, home announcements, organization announcements, life announcements.
But, where has the love gone? Nowadays, you can't love people, unconditionally. Well, thats not true. You can. But, its so hard for people to accept it. Why is that? Is it because they know that you don't know whats really going on in their lives? People are so hidden in real life because they are so used to showing their highlight reel online that they can't understand that you love someone as broken as they are.
Get this, everyone is broken. Everyone has baggage. Everyone has a story hidden behind their smile. But, contrary to popular belief, everyone needs love. And, unconditional love is actually a thing.
So, today, I charge you to make a choice to love someone with every fiber of your being. They may not be able to accept your love, but keep loving them. Be it a friend, a spouse, a child, a parent, a lover or a stranger, choose love today. We don't know what battle people are fighting but I bet love will help. We don't know what mountain they're climbing but I bet love will help. We don't know what praise they have to share but I bet love will help. We don't know the last time they needed a hug but I bet love will help.
Sometimes the behind the scenes footage includes court dates, loneliness, death, suicidal thoughts, hunger, past due bills, job loss, weight gain.... or, joy. Sometimes, people love on you because they need love themselves.
Won't you spread love today?
Love, you, all ways, always.
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