25 March 2016

What is your dream?

"...to be happy."
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of high school girls. We began the discussion talking about dreams and goals. The conversation wasn't amazing. In fact, I didn't feel like I was saying anything profound. I felt like I was wasting their time. Yet, I was extremely comfortable with my random and unprepared speech. 
Near the end of the session, I asked the girls to write down one dream - a dream they had not yet shared with us. Three girls came in a tad bit tardy to the party and one had the best most mature and profound response, "I just want to be happy. I dream to be happy. It is my goal to be happy." 
It was almost like a round robin, all of the girls chimed in realizing that was the best dream to have. Until ... 
"No you don't. You just said in class you wanted to take your life."
Wait, WHAT?! The conversation then became "don't give up", "be happy", "choose happiness", "you are enough", "live for you" and many other quick statements of fullness, joy, grace and relevance. It was a hard conversation for me to have as I identify with that far too well. But, it took me back to a conversation I had earlier this week with my best friend. 
We were discussing quitting, giving up, stopping, changing directions and the like. As an entrepreneur, I. AM. B U S Y. I'm living to work, though my work doesn't feel like work. But, every waking moment, I am spending bettering myself, my team, my business, my product, my growth model, my savings model, etc. etc. etc. etc. And, some days, I am tired. I mean, T I R E D. I am that kind of tired that reminds me that I have been standing for thousands of hours over the past few weeks without a break in site. The kind of tired that reminds me why I don't have 37 children. The kind of tired that reminds me why I was never an athlete. But then, I think about what happens when you quit. Even though I would be a lot less tired working in corporate america, I wouldn't have my freedom. Even though I would be a lot less tired if I won the mega millions, I would not have the "prize" of growing a business from the ground up and it actually becoming successful. When you think about quitting and you think about the end, I think about giving up on myself, my faith and my God. And, there is absolutely nothing rewarding about that. 
After the session, I received an email  confirmation for something that I have been praying and fasting for. And, I thought about the conversation I had last week. And, I thought about the girls today. And, I thought about my friends that have committed suicide. And, I thought about my dad selling his business. And, I thought about all of those that "have quit" and where they are today. Yes, we know the road we travel on is hard, but we can't be pessimistic. Negativity breeds negativity. We must, instead, be optimistic and recall the dreams we have and how they make us feel. The ability to spend my time as I choose makes the hard days worth living. The ability to give to who I want when I want how I want makes the hard days worth living. The ability to see the growth of my business, the success of my business, the beauty of my business makes every single hard day worth it. 
I will leave you with a story my pastor shared today at the Seven Last Words. Its a story of a set of twins, one depressed and pessimistic + one happy and optimistic. In therapy, the pessimist was left in a room with toys and happy things. He still could not find his happiness. He still could not find his joy. The optimist was left in a room with manure. When the therapist came into the room, he asked "what are you doing", as he was shoveling the manure into a pile. The optimist responded, I am moving all of the manure so that I can find the pony - because, with all of this manure, there has to be a pony somewhere. 
And, on this GOOD Friday, I challenge you to dream. I challenge you to dream on purpose. I challenge you to dream about your happiness. I challenge you to become the optimist. I challenge you to keep digging out of the tunnel, knowing that you are one brick away from your shining light. I challenge you to keep shoveling the manure, knowing that there is a pony there waiting for you. And, most importantly, I want to remind you that you are enough. You are enough man. You are enough woman. You are enough husband. You are enough wife. You are enough son. You are enough daughter. You are enough teacher. You are enough student. You are enough ______ to make YOUR dreams come true. 
Live on purpose. 
Dream in color. 
Happy Fri-YAY!

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