06 November 2016

A Little Wisdom

So often we become something for someone. We act like we like Chinese food to go on a date. We act like we enjoy lifting weights because our friends do. We act like we want to dress a certain way because our parents like it. We grow out our hair because someone else said it's cute that way. But, what do we want? 
If we spend our whole lives becoming something for someone else, we'll never become who we were intended to be. Even though someone likes you this way or that way or when you do this or when you do that, there's someone else who needs to love you exactly how you want to be. That someone is you. 
Start loving yourself first. Then like yourself. Then be yourself. The original is always worth more than the copy. 
Besides, you don't want the one that doesn't love you just the way you are. 
Love, you, all ways, always.
G. ðŸ’•

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