02 August 2010

...like you'll never see me again

the second day of august in the year of two thousand ten

If you didn't have any time left to be wherever you are right now, would you cherish the things that you experienced there? If you could never see the last person you saw, how would that change your life? If you could never speak to the last person you spoke to, would you care?

Life is taken for granted far too often.

It's interesting how people continue to live without attaining what they want. To me, thats simply existing, and I'm just not interested. There are a few things I have always wanted:

1. to help people
2. to be in a mutual love (have a husband, and children: a family!)
3. be happy

To some, the three aforementioned items are simple. But, I don't think you can be a fool in love. I am, however, a firm believer that those that do not accept love are the fools. Why do so many people settle. They settle with jobs instead of searching for a career. They settle with like instead of working for love. They settle ... in life ... thinking they will have a second a chance, or a chance to do this forever.

My brother once said, "I knew (she) was the one because I could replace her in songs that used (God)." #deep First, I thought he was psycho. But now, after pondering on that statement, God is love. If you can not sing about going to work, you probably don't love your job. If you can't sing about your friends, you probably don't love those friends. If you can't sing about your life, you probably don't love your life. Why risk losing/not attaining happiness by forcing love out of your life when you could simple let love happen?

In case you are wondering, yes, I love you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll get see soon Renaissance woman