10 January 2009


conversed: december 31st, 2008
pondered: december 31st, 2008
recorded: december 31st, 2008

((a conversation between two cousins, advice on love, enjoy ...))

The Conversation Between Truth and Love

It made so much since when they said.......

"i mean to love is special. i am convinced you will choose to love a plethora of people in your lifetime, and only that one person that chooses to accept your love and take it head on is the one... the one person who will make your union complete is the one person who you think you need, only to realize they hold they desires of your heart intertwined with their own ... and it is not a need at all, just a desire to be with someone else..."

I began to think to myself, this is the truth about love. loving someone to this degree is special. then the greatest words that may have ever been said where........

"i hold love with the highest esteem and people think they know love, people think they have love, but you can not claim it as love until you do some of the following: pray for them as much if not more than you pray for yourself, honestly have faith in their desires, be able to live without the means, together and happy, and be willing to wait for them even if u know they are never going to come around for u ... desiring their happiness is more important to u than having them yourselves."

At that moment I knew exactly what i needed to do. It was as clear as day. At that very split second that very idea of love was conceived in my mind. The conversation ended with the most simple but profound statement which was......

"but i have loved, and i know how to love and im not scared to love ... and i know people are not where i am in the belief of love... u must first love platonically before you can love romantically and God loved us all first and the best, and to see the sacrificial love he had built a belief system of what love in my life could be"

As I inhaled the smell of understanding, I knew that from this day forth love would be like the day the earth will stand still as i pronounce my love for you in the most ardent and doting way. With the very thought of you as my heart rate increases to a rate that says I will love you until it hurts, with blood as my proof. So Very simply I say........

I love you!


Anonymous said...

Garnet..... OMG this is Beautiful ! that touched my hear :) wow keep writing

Carlos B.

Anonymous said...

Garnet..... OMG this is Beautiful ! that touched my heart :) wow keep writing

Carlos B. Brown