13 January 2009

The Observatory

Sometimes I feel like a fly on the wall. As aforementioned, (weeks ago in the blog) I have realized I would rather not speak, most of the time. I truly, however, enjoy listening. So many things in my life go unnoticed. I could wear the same thing every day for a month and those that surround me may not notice until the 27th. I could cough for hours and no one would hear me. I could use the bathroom 20 times a day and noone could see me leave the room.

[i just find it interesting]

I am very observant and cordial person, I think. I don't always say the right thing, nor do I write the right things. I don't always ask the right questions or provide the right answers. For I, too, am not perfect. But, I do notice things. I notice when people are sad. I notice when people are uncomfortable. I notice when people are sick. I notice when people get a new watch, or change their hair, or get new glasses. I could probably tell you what everyone in my office wore last week.

[do u want a gold star?]

I'm just curious. Are you one to notice peoples changes? Or, are you one that lives life practically only aware of yourself? Are you the star in the observatory, or are you the spectator?


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