01 November 2008


((written in the last moments of 21hood))
As I think about my life in these days, in these times, I am eternally grateful for favor. I have chosen to start my new year off with a clean head, a clean heart, a clean spirit, a clean house, clean everything. I feel like age is irrelevant if you dont grow and mature. "When I was a child I thought like a child, [I acted like a child, I ate like a child, I played like a child, I did everything like a child]... but when I became a (wo)man..." Every day I praise God for the favor He has bestowed upon me. When I entered college all I planned was to graduate in May of 2008 with a job making at least what my parents spent for my first year of undergrad. Well, so far so good - I graduated in December of 2007 and had a job that started me out with a salary HIGHER than that of which my parents paid for my first year of undergrad. Halle! Now that, that is favor. As I look at my life I realize a few things (as mentioned in a previous post). But, there are things that I cannot change, I accept them, but for those things that I can change, I am making an honest attempt to do so. I am Garnet, genuinely affectionate, respectful, naive, energetic and tenacious ... and with qualities like that, why can't I have a perfect life. Now, God may not have made us perfect, but how exactly does one define perfection. God put me on this Earth with a mission and a purpose. As long as I try my best to fulfill that purpose, my life is perfect. My happiness is granted in everything that I do because all everything I do is going to work towards the betterment of society and fulfilling my purpose.
I have noticed that I am talented. I can do things on my own. My parents raised me to be interdepent but dependent in my solidarity. I plan to keep moving in the direction I am headed because where can I go from here? Up! I can go up towards the heavens, because thats where my eternity lies. I can go up towards educational advanacement because I have the ability and drive to do so. I can go up on the health chart - why not live a full healthy life? I mean hey, I do control that! I can go up on the fun chart ... everything I do can be fun, I mean, the only people that get bored are boring people, right Mo? I can go up in religion, up in spirituality, up in fashion, up in honesty, up in friendship, up in interdependency, up in familial respect, up in love, up in life. And as my numbers go up and up and up, I plan to grow and mature and season myself into "one that leaves people speechless, not because they don't have anything to say but because the words they think up are not good enough." I want to live a life to make those that preceeded me in death happy. I want to live a life that makes my parents proud. I want to live a life that puts a smile on my brothers face. I want to live a life that makes me happy. But, most importantly, I want to live!
I no longer want to exist, because, quite frankly, I think thats what I have been doing. I do not want to plan so much, I just want life to happen. I do not want to control much, I just want things to fall into place. I do not want to restrict myself, why not try everything once? I want to live in prosperity. My favorite number is two so I claim this to be one of the best years of my life. I said once that I made the best choice to come to Japan, now, I am making my next choice my even better best choice ... to live, love, laugh ... that is my goal for the next 365 calendar days, and the beginning of the rest of my life.
Not sure of how many people will read this, or even care that I wrote this, but I do know this will be the happiest birthday I could possibly have. I love me and you should too ;-) Happy birthday to the jewel that was created 22 years ago today.

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