18 September 2008


Welcome to Thursday Night Jams with DJ G Money (ha!) .... any requests tonight?
I guess some people enjoy reading my blog, well now that I am working I dont have a lot of interesting things to blog about ...
maybe i will blog about the TYPHOON that is headed to my city,
or maybe i will blog about how I miss my grandma,
or maybe I could talk about how much i miss my daddy saying crazy stuff randomly
or maybe I could blog about how much I miss the Yosh-myster (my dog yoshi) - and he misses me too
or maybe I could write about how much I miss saying, isnt the drummer your twin
or how about blogging about my mommy and hearing garnetochon like im 3
or maybe about how crazy my family is...
. . . or did you want to hear about japan?
well, I went for my alien registration card today, that was funny, dude couldnt speak english but he made me write everything in english and my manager was like what, dude, do u know what youre doing? that was funny.
or how about how you have to get garbage bags from the people (dont know what office it was) because they are huge on recycling here and they gave me enough bags through march. and when i run out of bags (if i run out before march) and go get new ones (because you have to go back to that office) they are a dollar a bag, what? are u kidding me?
or maybe i could talk about how im going to turn into a rice ball because i forgot how much i loved it.
or maybe i will talk about how i see the pizza hut delivery man on his skooter EVERY DAY!
oh back up - no really, there is a typhoon coming, who has those, lol.
or i could rewind and talk about how the prime minister quit last week. i repeate he went to work and said "i dont want to do this anymore" and left. what?! and japan is still running smoothly? ha! i wish ...
ok, what do you want to know?
leave your requests now,

1 comment:

Lauren said...

you should blog about the typhoon that is headed your way, and at the end, it should be like, "now, im getting the hell out of the way. hello Australia!"
really, Yoshi misses you? And he told who to pass that on?
whaomp, whaomp, shouldn't make waste, make haste, not waste.
And meanwhile, France's president?