20 November 2015

Morning Motivation (1.0)


verb (used without object)believed, believing.
to have confidence in the truth,the existence, or the reliability ofsomething, although withoutabsolute proof that one is right indoing so:
Only if one believes in somethingcan one act purposefully.


Ever thought it might be a good idea to believe in yourself? We so often believe in famous people to win the next trophy, to cross the next finish line, to jump over the next hurdle. We also believe that friends will get that engagement ring, that promotion, that new car, that new home. We often believe that God will heal her, bless her, love her. But, what about us? What about me? What about you? What if, we took a little more energy and actually believed that we were enough. What if we actually said "I can do that, I can do anything!" ...and, believed it? Where would we be today? Where would you be today? 


Today, I charge you to actually believe that YOU can. Today, I charge you to stop doubting yourself and actually see yourself in that dream life working that dram job living in that dream house driving that dream car in that dream marriage. What happens if you just believe in you? Dreams actually start to come true! 

#youareenough act like it! 

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