25 February 2009


25, february, 2009

Do you remember that time you gave up profanity? Do you remember that time you gave up fornication? Do you remember that time you gave up sweets? Do you remember that time you gave up lies and deceit? Well, its that time, again ... this time, try the forty days, but continue through life.

As I embark on a new journey, this year, for lent, I made a plan. But, the Lenten season is just going to assist me in my life changes. My inspiration comes from my brother. He took a look at his life and realized he did not like every direction his path was leading him. Some turns he could deal with, some hills he could get over, but this manhole, he just could not find out how to get passed it. "Should I jump over it? Should I run around it? Should I turn around and try again?" He was finally able to answer, and his answer was no. This time he was going to erase the hole and become the man he saw himself being. I am not sure where his revelation came from, but I know his help was in God, whether he saw that or not.

My parents just came to visit and reminded me how much I love my brother. My father reminded me that I think he is perfect as he does me [I?]. I do not idolize people, but, if I did, it would be him. He is that one person that always got through it. He had the health challenges. He had the physical difficulties. He had a lot of curve balls thrown at him, mainly by the devil. But, 23 years, 4 albums later, a host of appearances, a host of friends, a lot of love and the best of all enemies. Yes, they are the best, that means there is something their to desire thus a hatred is formed.

But, this is not solely about him. It is about his inspiration for me. No, I don't know to tell you what to do, or how to do it. But, what better time than now? Make the change and "be the change you want to see." It is out there, and, it is in you.

Happy Ash Wednesday. Have a great Lenten season.



Anonymous said...

i really like this entry :-) hope you're doing okay over there

Anonymous said...

Garnet very well said my friend, keep writing :)


Anonymous said...

You are a delightful writer and I am waiting for the book to come out...of course, I want to be the editor. Keep thinking about the issues God places on your heart and you will continue to make the changes in your life that you know are correct.