13 December 2009
I am down to my last 24 hours in Asia. For the past week or so I have been traveling, Thailand and China. In leaving Japan I find myself to be extremely homesick. I have not been homesick in the entire 15 months that I have been gone, except for when I dropped my parents off at the airport and realized I couldnt go home with them. But, that was 8 months ago.
Asia has allowed me to realize so many things. I have met so many people. But, most importantly I have truly realized the desires of my heart, my mind and my spirit. I have come to see who I am and who i want to be. I have come to learn about the things I want to experience and the things I dont.
I wont know until I return back to the states how much Ive changed, but, Id like to think its all for the better.
Going home will be a very interesting experience for me. There are only a handful of people I communicate with on a regular and I dont mind being a bit anti-social. I am anxious to return to see some museums, hear some music and play in the snow. I am anxious to hug someone. I am anxious to play with my dog. I am anxious to eat my mothers food and be able to bake something in the oven. I am anxious to unlock a door to a home and not walk up the stairs to an apartment. I am axious to see what it feels like to walk down the street and not see kanji. I am anxious to see street signs. I am anxious to see tall people. I am anxious to see what it feels like to return home.
thank you again Asia
its been amazing!
22 November 2009
08 November 2009
enigmatic love
lately i have had some strange feelings: feelings about love and what it is. feelings about love and how to deal with them. feelings about marriage. feelings about happiness. feelings about joy. i feel like a baby but all of my friends are having babies and getting married.
a lot of my friends date to date and settle because they want a wedding. actually, that may be people in general. but for me, dating is different, a wise woman (thankfully shes my mom) once said to me "never live like you are married until you are married." a wise man (thankfully hes my dad) once said, "the guys that buy you things are not the ones you need to love, but they are the ones that will feel as if you owe them something." and a wise young man (thankfully my brother) said "hes not good enough for you" as i ask "do u know him?" he responded "doesnt matter, no one will be good enough."
with those wise words i never felt the need to be exclusively involved with anyone. i like you. you like me. lets go out. if you happen to be the only guy i am going out with that is great, and if not, its fine too. as i prepare to possibly think about considering the fact that i might want to get married in the near or distant future, i thought about it. love is the easiest habit to attain and the hardest to break. so why oh why would i plan to love someone that doesnt make me better? why would i choose to be with someone that may praise me but does not necessarily better my life in any way shape or form.
i would much rather have an enigma. i LOVE puzzles because at first glance u can never see their beauty. it takes piece after piece to make the masterpiece. and if you make your way to completing the puzzle, its forever. mama knows i like him. he is an enigma. i have a few pieces but as i continue to put the puzzle together it doesnt get easier. each day its a challenge, it racks my brain and makes me think. i wait and just look at it sometimes. and if im not sure of the next piece i admire what i have until i can figure out where the next piece goes.
the best thing about puzzles is this. when you see what they could be (their potential) you fall in love with the imagery. when you first start the puzzle it is very frustrating, but you (well i) first put together the framework. the border is the easiest part to piece together because each piece has at least one flat side. you KNOW where they go. when the basics are put in to place you smile. you know you are on to something great. as you find pieces you see different images in the puzzle. sometimes you can get frustrated because you want the end result, but you dont know how to attain it, though u know it is attainable, because somewhere, you have all of the pieces. day in and day out you attempt this puzzle. you admire the puzzle from afar. you take everything into consideration and do what you can with what you have.
but, in the event that you create this puzzle, if you put all of the pieces together, you are sure that it will last forever, until you drop it and it shatters into pieces. but every puzzle will not be dropped. some will be framed and admired for a life time. and that puzzle, that enigma, that love, when it is complete, when it is forever, it is amazingly beautiful. every time someone gets to admire it, they will smile. they may critique it, but they will understand that it is meant to be because all of the pieces fit so perfectly.
piece together your enigmas, do not settle for the film that has been developed.
9, november, 2009
12 October 2009
I gave up religion for relationship ...
07 October 2009
28 September 2009
A. Big. Change. Differrentiates. Everlasting. Factors. Greatly.
18 August 2009
The Journey of Obon
03 August 2009
Arashiyama ...
I'm sitting on top of yet another mountain digesting the facts of life.
02 August 2009
Journey to Taiwan
19 July 2009
Fresh Air...
17 July 2009
i remember...
28 June 2009
...in other news.
25 June 2009
faith is amazing!
14 June 2009
24 May 2009
come rain, come shine
I'm gonna love you
Like nobody's loved you
Come rain or come shine
High as a mountain and deep as a river
Come rain or come shine
Well I guess when you met me
That it was just one of those things
Don't you ever bet me
Cause I'm gonna be true if you let me
Oh you're gonna love me
Like nobody's loved me
Come rain or come shine
Happy together unhappy together
Won't that be fine
Day may be cloudy or sunny
We're either in or we're out of our money
I'm with you always
I'm with you rain or shine
You're gonna love me
Like nobody's loved me
Come rain or come shine
Happy together unhappy together
Won't that be fine
Day may be cloudy or sunny
We're in or we're out of our money
I'm with you always
I'm with you rain or shine
Rain or shine
I'm with you always
I'm with you rain or shine
((not my words, but these words are amazing))
10 May 2009
... sacrificial blessings
04 May 2009
...if it isn't love...
May 4, 2009
If it isn’t love ….
“If it isn’t love, why do I feel this way why does (s)he stay on my mind?”
People sometimes talk about love, and what they do in love. But, love is an action word.
[luhv] Show IPA noun, verb, loved, lov⋅ing.
1. | a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. |
2. | a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. |
3. | sexual passion or desire. |
4. | a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart. |
5. | (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love? |
6. | a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour. |
7. | sexual intercourse; copulation. |
8. | (initial capital letter |
9. | affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor. |
10. | strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books. |
11. | the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love. |
12. | the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God. |
13. | Chiefly Tennis. a score of zero; nothing. |
14. | a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L. |
“what will be the topic for today?”
“love and war!”
First up, expectations….
“what do you expect in love?”
One kind gentlemen feels this way…
“Well i expect truth and honesty. i believe with those two there is nothing else that wont follow. truth will keep all in respect and honesty will keep those perceptions in line with truth”
Good answer … but, part two, “what do you give?”
He feels that…
“i give all of me whether thats emotions or advice or whatever it may be. i give it all”
Ok, I can dig that, but lets do some role reversing, “what about you, what do u expect in love?”
She says…
"I expect sacrifice and comfort
trust is earned so i never expect it because i dont trust people usually ...
when in love i expect you to be close to God, in the sense you are not even CLOSE to the other friends, ur the bestie ... hands down, no questions asked. if God took everything away from me, id pray he didnt take you type of friend"
He liked this ....
But, she offered more …
“love is an action word ... and, well, talk is cheap
im a simple girl that likes simple things
dont buy me things, i can do that myself
send me an "i love you" because thats what you were thinking, mail me a card that says "hi" because u know i get lonely, sacrifice your sleep because you know i need to hear you breathing ... be there”
In the end, its not about how many times you say it. Its not about how much you can conjure up some words. Its about what you do. What will you do for love? Will you sacrifice a bit of your happiness and comfort? God is love, right? HE gave it all! Now, Im not comparing man to God, but, I am comparing love to God. Stop throing it around …. Its deeper than the three words.