13 December 2009


14, december, 2009

I am down to my last 24 hours in Asia. For the past week or so I have been traveling, Thailand and China. In leaving Japan I find myself to be extremely homesick. I have not been homesick in the entire 15 months that I have been gone, except for when I dropped my parents off at the airport and realized I couldnt go home with them. But, that was 8 months ago.

Asia has allowed me to realize so many things. I have met so many people. But, most importantly I have truly realized the desires of my heart, my mind and my spirit. I have come to see who I am and who i want to be. I have come to learn about the things I want to experience and the things I dont.

I wont know until I return back to the states how much Ive changed, but, Id like to think its all for the better.

Going home will be a very interesting experience for me. There are only a handful of people I communicate with on a regular and I dont mind being a bit anti-social. I am anxious to return to see some museums, hear some music and play in the snow. I am anxious to hug someone. I am anxious to play with my dog. I am anxious to eat my mothers food and be able to bake something in the oven. I am anxious to unlock a door to a home and not walk up the stairs to an apartment. I am axious to see what it feels like to walk down the street and not see kanji. I am anxious to see street signs. I am anxious to see tall people. I am anxious to see what it feels like to return home.

thank you again Asia
its been amazing!
